You might consider heading over to the Hawk subforum and posting a bug report for the developer, or seeing if other users have reported this issue.īest of luck, and don't forget to share your missions with the rest of us goons when you get the bugs hammered out. This should prevent your runway hawks from ever starting up, though there will be a guy drooling on himself in the cockpit when you roll by. SPECIAL OPTIONS Command Map When in the simulation and having pressed the F10 key, a map of the simulation world will appear that shows both friendly and enemy units, depending on F10 Map View Options. If you need an inactive Hawk on the runway for the time being, add an AI flight with the "start from ramp" parameter, then go into ADVANCED WAYPOINT ACTIONS for WP 0, click ADD, then select SET OPTION from the drop-down menu, and GROUP AI OFF. Eagle Dynamics DCS: COMBINED ARMS 6 USER MANUAL FIGURE 5. I didn't try running into the place they should be to see if they are just invisible or completely absent, but I can confirm that they're not showing up where they should be. The bad news is, static object Hawks appear to be broken.

I dragged it over to the edge of the runway to make it more easily distinguishable from the rest of the map, but this shouldn't have affected anything. The good news is you didn't do anything wrong, your static objects are placed correctly, and the cafe showed up for me without issue.